The Revenue section provides a comprehensive financial breakdown of your Leadsly campaigns. You can view the following metrics:

  •   Impressions: The number of unique customers who visited the checkout
  •   Leads: The total number of leads successfully resolved
  •   Conversion %: (Leads / Impressions) * 100
  •   Revenue: The estimated sales generated from the leads
  •   Cost: The expense incurred to acquire these leads
  •   Profit & Loss (P&L): Revenue – Cost.
  •   ROI %: (P&L / Cost) * 100.
  •   Average Lead Value (ALV): Revenue / Leads.

You can also view and export lead data from the table results, including details such as first name, last name, email, phone number, zip code, country, IP address, PID, number of sales, sales amount, visit timestamp, campaign name, campaign type, and the integration used. 

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