If you've recently made a purchase on Explodely and find yourself in need of support, assistance with product access, or wish to request a refund, reaching out to the seller is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to get the help you need:

Check Your Email Receipt:

After making a purchase, you'll receive an email receipt from Explodely. The receipt will contain essential information about your transaction. An email receipt looks like this:

Open a Support or Refund Ticket:

Below the receipt details, you'll find a link (https://explodely.com/ordersearch) to open a support or refund request. Click on this link to initiate the process.

Choose the Appropriate Option:

Upon clicking the link, you'll be redirected to the Order Lookup page. Here, you'll find three options:

1. Access This Product:

Use this option if you simply need to access your purchased product.

2. Request Refund:

If you're unsatisfied with your purchase and wish to request a refund, click on this option. Refunds are typically processed within 48 hours unless the request is changed to a support request. You will get an email notification when that happens. You can turn it back to the refund request if you are not satisfied with the seller’s solution.

3. Product Support:

If you have any issues related to product access, login problems, or general product queries, please feel free to open a support request. The seller will respond with tailored solutions to address your concerns.

By following these steps, you ensure a seamless communication process with the seller on Explodely, making it easier to resolve any issues you may encounter post-purchase.